
Every story has a beginning, even if it doesn't have a middle or an end-- without the beginning there'd be no story at all. This story - my story of digging deep and searching for what I really believe in - is actually a continuation of a much older one; or it's a remix since I'm starting all over but I've at least got some of the pieces to work with.

I've been putting this off  far too long, like I put everything off. Well, thank St. Vyvanse that I have a little better handle of my executive dysfunction. And thank Renee for inviting me into a silly pothead pagan group on Facebook but that's apparently what it took for me to get started again: being in a space with likeminded people.

Go figure.

So we (re)begin with I'm high and this is Witchcraft, the RVA polypagans, my scattered collection of high school friends, and one closet garden.

Yes, I said closet garden.


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